The Most Venerable Dr Hammalawa Saddhātissa (1914–1990) passed away on 13 February 1990. An admired Buddhist monk and scholar, Venerable Saddhātissa, is annually commemorated for two days in February with…
Europe’s Largest Pandol (Poson Thorana) depicting “The story of Suwarnahansa” Craving begets sorrow, is presented by the Kingsbury Sri Saddhatissa International Buddhist Centre. From: 10th June 2022 - 14th June…
In appreciation of the immense religious service rendered by the Most Venerable Galayaye Piyadassi Nayaka Thero, the members of the Board of Trustees, incumbent theros and the members of the…
In appreciation of the immense religious service rendered by the Most Venerable Galayaye Piyadassi Nayaka Thero, the members of the Board of Trustees, incumbent theros and the members of the…