We know, not a lot.
But can we confront it?
We use the five senses
We experience the world through them
We see the world through them
An important day in Theravāda Buddhist liturgical calendar.
Asalha is a term that refers to the month of Äsala (July). Another name for the month is Āsādha.
The day of the…
Wise was the Buddha.
His words opened doors.
To understand
To explain
To realise
To communicate
To practise
“Let it go.”
Not dwell in the past, not on…
Acceptance is everything.
Rejection is the beginning of problems.
Let it go
Do your best
Be not attached to the result
Live in the moment
Be not…
A monk is a monk forever!
Re-becoming is a perennial issue.
How can one stop the recurrence? A deeper question for the Buddha, it was then.
Life's connections are visible
Connections are what make us live…